• We have the best location on Miami Beach and there are several short-term steps to implement that will capitalize on the location both externally and internally. Many of these steps are inexpensive. Externally, we need to increase our curb appeal to help raise values. For example, we will:

    1. fix the Porte Cochere

    2. trim, clean and update the landscaping

    3. update the lighting to provide an inviting appearance

    4. continue to work with the City to move the homeless and keep our sidewalks clean,

    5. regularly power wash the walls of the commercial space at the corner, and,

    6. require the parking lot to be cleaned regularly.

    Internally, the hallways are in dire need of being redone with better lighting and a more uniform, high-class appearance. This problem requires a longer-term solution, but one which can and should be started in the short-term. We will establish a committee of owners to create design parameters and engage professionals so that we can have a meaningful discussion with all owners and promptly issue an RFP with your input.

    We also need to create a better environment in the Lobby and throughout the building. There are too many signs and the process of greeting our visitors also needs to be addressed. Guests visiting owners and renters should be promptly registered, warmly welcomed to the Decoplage, and others turned away.

  • We firmly believe that the owners should have a meaningful voice in the Building’s direction. We will:

    1. not engage in in-fighting; we will foster an inclusive environment to eliminate divisiveness between residents, management and the Board

    2. Schedule monthly Board meetings one week in advance with in-person and remote capabilities and allow owner input before taking action

    3. hold informal bi-monthly meetings with one Board member and the Manager to better understand Community challenges and encourage ideas for the betterment of our Community and building

    4. increase the frequency and methods of communication to allow owner participation

    5. strategically advance projects important to owners by creating and empowering committees engaging the vast talent within our Community

    6. Solicit owner input whether via a survey, forum, phone call, lunch, dinner or town hall meeting, etc

    7. encourage realtor participation and observation of the market so that we can take steps necessary to increase rental rates and property values

  • We value owner input. We will create, implement, and empower committees to guide decisions to make the Decoplage a better place to live. Any owner interested in serving on a committee will be able to do so. A Board member will also sit on each committee.

    As we are speaking with all of you and understanding your concerns and interests, many different committees have been discussed. Here are some of the ideas we have heard:

    1. Social committee - to discuss and schedule activities such as social events, yoga, speakers, book clubs and similar activities to create positive interactions and a neighborly environment

    2. Construction committee – to help identify, manage and provide services relating to our various projects

    3. Finance committee – to help evaluate past spending, correlate to budget, and plan for future needs

    4. Rules committee – (in addition to the committee that hears violations) to review the rules and suggest revisions to provide clarity and allow owners the full enjoyment of their residence

    5. Neighborhood outreach committee - to promote neighborhood involvement and relationships with local businesses

    6. Garden and Building Beautification committee – to review our gardens and identify potential opportunities for cost-effective solutions and to help ensure that the Decoplage presents the high-class, uniform appearance we deserve

    7. Communications committee – to facilitate correspondence and communication, such as a resident newsletter, message boards (virtual or physical) and help ensure that communications meet the needs of the owners and all residents

    8. “New Neighbor” committee - to connect with new owners and renters to provide information and answer questions to facilitate neighborly relationships

    9. Rental Process committee – to review the rental process to identify areas of improvement from the perspective of all parties involved, i.e., the renter, owner, realtor and Association

    10. Decoplage Experience committee – to provide guidance on improving owner, tenant and guest experiences at the Decoplage

    We will continue to listen to your thoughts and concerns and obtain owner input whether via committee or some other way. If you think there are other committees that would serve the Decoplage well, please let us know. We want to serve you.

  • Our vision for working together for a Better Decoplage is to control operating expenses by creating a committee of skilled owners to thoroughly investigate expenditures over a certain amount to see if there is a better or lower cost way to accomplish the same objective. With respect to going forward expenses, working together means that the committee will participate in the budgeting process to provide insight for better planning for our needs.

    We believe in spending Association money with great care as it is your money, not our own. Everyone is acutely aware that costs continue to rise and, at the same time, our Building has aged and needs greater attention. Maintenance that is not conducted may save money in the short term but typically leads to repairs or replacement of items, all of which costs more than the maintenance would have cost.

    For instance, many people have noticed that the gardens at the Decoplage have not been maintained, pool furniture is broken, dented, scratched and discolored and paint repairs poolside has been patchworked, if it was done at all. While we may have saved a few dollars on maintenance, it has cost a lot of money in our property values and rental rates.

    Simply said, we need to be better in conducting maintenance as well as planning for the receipt and spending of money balanced with the need for scheduled maintenance and repairs. This is very possible especially with owner input on the committees we envision.

    We also think that there is no need for so many lawsuits. Whether it is the Decoplage paying lawyers directly or an insurance company paying for the defense, we all suffer. Insurance companies recoup their money by raising premiums on future policies. We intend to address all of the outstanding lawsuits and resolve them, where possible. Going forward, we will minimize legal expenses by creating a cooperative environment, accepting responsibility for our actions and acting fiscally responsibly in the best interests of the Association.

  • There are three ways you can vote in the November 14, 2023, election:

    1. Electronically (BEST). The Decoplage is using VotingPortals.com for electronic voting, the same company that was used in 2021.

      a. If you enrolled in electronic voting in the past, you do not need to register again.
      b. If you have not previously enrolled in electronic voting but wish to do so, here is a link to the Consent to Electronic Voting form. Consent to Electronic Voting Form
      You will need to email that form to mailroom@decoplagecondominium.com
      Electronic voting is open! Voting online is easy and avoids any delays with the post office.
      c. Here is a link to a video that will walk you through how to vote online. Voting Portals Instructional Video

    2. Personally hand in your ballot at the Front Desk (BETTER). After you fill out the Ballot you received in the mail, you may drop it off, in person, at the Front Desk. All ballots must be received by 4:00 pm on November 14, 2023, the date of the election.

    3. Mail your ballot to the address on the envelope provided in your voting materials (GOOD). After you fill out the Ballot you received in the mail, simply return it via USPS to the address on the envelope. As we cannot guarantee the speed or accuracy of the US Postal Service, we urge you to mail the ballot within 5 days of receiving your voting materials.

    Do you know who is authorized to vote for your Unit? Units with more than one unrelated owner or that are owned by a corporation or LLC are required to complete a voting certificate that identifies the person authorized to vote on behalf of that Unit. A Unit owned by a married couple must designate the person authorized to vote. Votes submitted by persons that are not authorized on the voting certificate will be disqualified.

    Make sure your vote counts!!!

    It is very important to ensure that the person that votes on behalf of your Unit is the authorized voter. If you are not sure who is authorized to vote for your Unit, you can

    - ask Anne Blume (decoanneblume@gmail.com or 773-255-5359) TODAY for that information. We copied all the Voting Certificates and will gladly help to ensure your vote counts!


    - fill out a new voting certificate. Here is a link to that form. Voting Certificate Form

    You will need to email that form to mailroom@decoplagecondominium.com

    How many votes do I have? Each Unit has the right to five (5) votes and there are five (5) directors and officers on the Board. You are not required to use all of your votes. While you may vote for up to five (5) candidates for the Board, we urge you to only vote for the four (4) Better Decoplage candidates (Anne Blume, Phil Garofalo, David von Storch and Felipe Montoya). Voting for a fifth (5th) candidate may result in one or more of our slate of candidates not being in the top five (5) of all the votes cast. To be the most effective, we need to be the majority of the Board of Directors. As a result, voting only for the four (4) Better Decoplage candidates (Anne Blume, Phil Garofalo, David von Storch and Felipe Montoya) will help ensure that your fifth (5th) vote does not artificially inflate the total votes any other candidate receives that could inadvertently knock one of the Better Decoplage candidates out of office.

    As we have more information, this page will be updated and we will notify you by email if you sign up on our website. So, if you have not already done so, please sign up for our email list now.

    Thank you!