Short Term Rentals

Our vision of working together for a Better Decoplage will lead to clear and understandable rules with severe penalties established by a committee of owners, administered by one person and overseen by one Director to establish accountability.

We do not believe in short term or daily rentals. We respect and honor the current rental policy but firmly believe that the rules need to be enforced to the fullest extent possible and new means of deterring violators should be explored. We need to explore measures to prevent circumvention of the rules so that owners and realtors that violate our rules are punished for their wrongdoing, without punishing the rest of the owners and realtors.

We plan to investigate the potential to implement penalties, whether monetary fines, loss of rental privileges, or some other measures that will provide strong incentive for compliance with our rules. Florida law allows fines only up to $1,000 so an agreed upon contractual penalty might be a way to work around that limitation.

We also plan to establish a committee to review the rental process and provide their ideas on how we can:

  1. Flag and deal with violators and without penalizing the entire Community

  2. Go paperless (scanning all paperwork for easy access for all management)

  3. Better equip the front desk personnel to ease the entry for people that are allowed to enter and more quickly determine and turn away those who are not

  4. Streamline the tenant application process.