Rules & Regulations

Our vision for working together for a Better Decoplage recognizes the need for clear and understandable rules that are created with owner input and fairly administered. Our vision also recognizes the need for owner input and participation in the creation of rules that will protect our residents and allow full enjoyment of the property.

We believe that the Rules should be clearly written and allow owners, residents, and their guests the ability to enjoy their residence and the common areas of the Decoplage, within reason.

Many people we’ve spoken with express dissatisfaction that:  

●       the Rules in place are not understandable
●       they are unfairly restrictive, especially when the owner is in residence
●       they seem to change frequently, often without notice or a Board meeting where they are discussed and approved
●       they must be judiciously & courteously applied a child crying is not the same as an adult screaming
●       there have also been experiences of rules being selectivity enforced “Rules for thee but not for me”

We deserve better.

We will establish a committee to review the Rules presently in place and the potential to change them whether by being less restrictive or simply being clarified to be more understandable. This committee will be charged with gathering owner input via hybrid in-person/Zoom meetings to determine which rules need to be addressed.

We recognize that this will likely be an ongoing iterative process whereby potential changes are discussed in committee and feedback is obtained from all owners whether at a Board meeting, through a survey, or changes may even be made on a trial basis to see their impact. We also believe that renters should have some input on the Rules as many times owners are investors that do not live at the Decoplage and therefore have no first-hand experience with the Rules.