Owner Participation

The Better Decoplage Initiative candidates strongly believe that every renovation and/or improvement project should follow a clearly articulated process that is based upon Owner participation. For example, the hallway renovations and/or the Porte Cochere. 

  1. Three qualified designers should submit proposed designs (consisting of drawings, renderings, and material boards) based on a set of criteria set out by a committee charged with that specific improvement project.  These criteria should be developed in an open series of forums where owner input is heard and incorporated.

  2. The committee, in coordination with the leadership of the Construction Committee, should hold a series of hybrid in-person/Zoom meetings where owners are given the ability to provide their input on not only their reactions to the various proposals but how they respect the criteria developed.

  3. Mock-ups are a great idea for the winning bid — but only after a consensus has been reached about a way forward. The design firm chosen will work with the Construction Committee to install mock-ups of the selected design and materials for Owner review.  “Material alterations” of a certain dollar amount percentage of our annual budget, such as these hallway improvements and the Porte Cochere, by our bylaws require the affirmative vote of 4 of the 5 Directors and ratification by a majority of all Unit Owners.

  4. The approved plans will be openly bid to qualified contractors who have no business interests with any current Board or committee members.

  5. The Construction Committee shall oversee construction and issue monthly updates.

The Decoplage is fortunate to have a significant number of Owners with relevant construction and design experience, many of whom have graciously offered their time. We think Owner input is not only required, but it is highly desirable. After all, this is our money, and collaboration on things that impact our lives can only make the result better and our residents happier.