How Do I Vote?

There are three ways you can vote in the November 14, 2023, election:

  1. Electronically (BEST). The Decoplage is using for electronic voting, the same company that was used in 2021.

    a. If you enrolled in electronic voting in the past, you do not need to register again.

    b. If you have not previously enrolled in electronic voting but wish to do so, here is a link to the Consent to Electronic Voting form. Consent to Electronic Voting Form

    You will need to email that form to

    Electronic voting is open! Voting online is easy and avoids any delays with the post office.

    c. Here is a link to a video that will walk you through how to vote online. Voting Portals Instructional Video

  2. Personally hand in your ballot at the Front Desk (BETTER).  After you fill out the Ballot you received in the mail, you may drop it off, in person, at the Front Desk.  All ballots must be received by 4:00 pm on November 14, 2023, the date of the election.  

  3. Mail your ballot to the address on the envelope provided in your voting materials (GOOD). After you fill out the Ballot you received in the mail, simply return it via USPS to the address on the envelope. As we cannot guarantee the speed or accuracy of the US Postal Service, we urge you to mail the ballot within 5 days of receiving your voting materials.

Do you know who is authorized to vote for your Unit? Units with more than one unrelated owner or that are owned by a corporation or LLC are required to complete a voting certificate that identifies the person authorized to vote on behalf of that Unit. A Unit owned by a married couple must designate the person authorized to vote. Votes submitted by persons that are not authorized on the voting certificate will be disqualified. 

Make sure your vote counts!!!

It is very important to ensure that the person that votes on behalf of your Unit is the authorized voter. If you are not sure who is authorized to vote for your Unit, you can

- ask Anne Blume ( or 773-255-5359) TODAY for that information.  We copied all the Voting Certificates and will gladly help to ensure your vote counts!


- fill out a new voting certificate. Here is a link to that form.  Voting Certificate Form

You will need to email that form to

How many votes do I have? Each Unit has the right to five (5) votes and there are five (5) directors and officers on the Board. You are not required to use all of your votes. While you may vote for up to five (5) candidates for the Board, we urge you to only vote for the four (4) Better Decoplage candidates (Anne Blume, Phil Garofalo, David von Storch and Felipe Montoya).  Voting for a fifth (5th) candidate may result in one or more of our slate of candidates not being in the top five (5) of all the votes cast. To be the most effective, we need to be the majority of the Board of Directors. As a result, voting only for the four (4) Better Decoplage candidates (Anne Blume, Phil Garofalo, David von Storch and Felipe Montoya) will help ensure that your fifth (5th) vote does not artificially inflate the total votes any other candidate receives that could inadvertently knock one of the Better Decoplage candidates out of office.  

As we have more information, this page will be updated and we will notify you by email if you sign up on our website.  So, if you have not already done so, please sign up for our email list now.

Thank you!